Birth is a blessed event.​

It should be one fill​​ed with confidence and joy, not fear.

It is my goal to support birthing parents and their partners to have a positive experience that encompasses the physical, emotional, and informational aspects of birth, along with personalized care that is needed to navigate this life-changing event and the postpartum that follows. I want expecting parents to feel empowered to make the decisions that best fit their family and specific situation.  In working with the care team, I strive to uphold a high degree of professionalism and respect to promote a positive birthing environment.

Over the last 14 years, I have had the honor of supporting over 500 families, a role I feel blessed to fill.  

Birth Be Blessed Birth Services

​​​Jessica Potter, CLD, CCCE          

​Memberships and Certifications

​CAPPA Certified Labor Doula

CAPPA Certified Childbirth Educator

​Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula

Spinning Babies Certification

​​   My Doula Experience Includes:


   Hospital births          Birth center births     

   Home birth              Hospital transfers     

   Unmedicated birth    Medicated birth     

   High risk​                 Prolonged labor​     

   Breech birth              Premature birth     

​   Assisted delivery​      Vaginal birth after Cesarean​       Twins                     IVF     

   Adoption                 LBGQT Families